Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cost Per Plate By Caters In Louisville

Covers wine

Bah what?! Yes, yes, I wrote " hulls in wine and not " rooster in wine". First, because it's not really really season, because then er ... I will still not eat a fellow, eh? True, it has happened here. It would pipoter you to say otherwise. Pandan but admit that it was the worst kind . Bird I am, of course, but my tolerance (or my stupidity, it's like you want you ChoiZ ') has limits. So I said well, "Hull wine" and not " rooster in wine". You always follow?

Preparation 10 minutes, cooking 20 minutes all inclusive is that it's quick and not so good. Basically, it made for this. So ... Covers


Ingredients (serves 4) 500ml

clam [ Ed (reprint of 26 July 2009): OOPS! You can correct "clams" with "shells" please ], 150 g dry tagliatelle with cuttlefish ink, a handful of a mixture of fresh algae, 2 generous tablespoons salted butter , 100 ml dry white wine, 4 sprigs parsley fine, 1 clove garlic, white pepper


Cook pasta al dente in plenty of boiling salted water with a drizzle of olive oil. After cooking, drain and pass under cold water for a few seconds and set aside. Rinse the seaweed in cold water, drain, then cut into chiffonade. Also rinse the shells in a large bath of cold water twice, delete the ones that date back to the surface. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Wash, drain and wipe the parsley. Finely chop the leaves.

In a skillet, melt 1 tablespoon butter over low heat. Add clams and stir for 1 minute. Add the white wine, parsley and chopped garlic, pepper, then add the remaining butter. Mix to coat the hulls. Cover. Let cook for 3 minutes, then remove from heat. Keep covered for another 2 or 3 minutes.

Pour cooked pasta into a large bowl. Sprinkle lightly with the cooking juices hulls careful not to drop the shells. Stir and keep warm. Separate shells shells [ note: If Nobody to spy on you or surprise you, suck the soft shells, still coated with sauce is fat and well goutu is too booon too! ]. Serve immediately in individual dishes hollow.

What you drink with it? Easy enough: a good Montlouis-sur-Loire dry, please! Not find Remus Jacky Blot, alas, but it was already very good. Of course, airhead, I forgot the name ... Rhaaalala, Cui then, I swear, eh! :-S

Bon appetite

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Non Flushing Niacin Cholesterol


"Treason is a mold
green and soft as down:
it gnaws quietly and internally."
Francis Blanche

is certainly to avoid mold in the jar of jam, which I am eager. I am careful not to say what was in this big pot that I was hiding Carefully (bug, it's hard to write Cui there!) inassessible in a corner of the refrigerator. I have nothing left seems'. Desfois, yeah, I lied (and it is not pretty nice) or I pretend (you too, that's good) when I do pinch myself faillu. This happened several times. But I was silent-silent-mouth-sewn-if-you-talking-yourself-fucking. And so, I betrayed. Each morning, I smiled at the thought of what I began ': eat a little of that jam I had made just for me, there are some weeks, like a big égoïsse. Yes, but valid, there is atest. Almost atest. Soon, I cry all the tears tear my body body and I will have to wary eyes m'exp'ique before (yes, I have the vocabulary). My tears could be misinterpreted. A man whining like a wimp and dirty without reason atest to it as soon as he wakes up, it's serious-cheulou, right? There's whale looks like gravel under the aut '. So far confess right away that I have betrayed. And since I'm not that half of one (line '... Cui said that cunt out there), I dare not say in front. More respect, more cowardly (in other times, it looked soft balls, but hey, there's ladies of high respectability '- and some less, but we will not start quibbling - that read) it, you die. Understand me. There's what makes' fear. I assume no such betrayal, because it is not based on mere concealment of facts. The betrayal is much deeper, much more painful than that, my zinfints. It is complex, these things. That is simp ', the last year I decided not to ... turning his back on ... Rhâââ! M'enfin, comprite you have, what, do not force me to say! ... I sulk, Vala. I sulk and I decided that I would go back any time soon, my faith. She had only to make me a bad shot his mother trafalgar Life. It's true kwouâ! ... Brief. I get on certainly say that it is unworthy of me, and that denying its origins, it is pure treason and that I deserve to be sent to Guantanamo (before it closes anyway) or be cursed and Remaud on generations and generations (that is ziozios highly appreciated treachery as last summer). Well, after all, it so be it! ... Anyway, I say again, I say it twice or thrice, or atest nor less, I go back not in Britain. Na. Pisque and with that betrayal is not complete (like cake), know that I would now see there if I am: in Corsica. Once the OCCAZ 'runs again, I get. Yeah first edzatement on Board. I will not atest tatiguer meninges ('end, the little I have left) to fly up there when I can enjoy a trip on the water, rocked by the swell (going- y qu'tu Degoul). Anyway, the arch-betrayal is consumed, main'nant. Proof! ... Strawberry Jam

citrus in Corsica

Ingredients 500 g strawberries gariguette; 1 district citron confit (preserved in syrup) * 4 small clementines brandy * , 350 g granulated sugar , 1 pinch of myrtle powder * 1 lemon juice

* Products purchased Corsica (Propriano in the main street facing the harbor)


Preparation time: 20 min. + 15 min. Rest - Cooking time: about 8 min. + 2 min. - Material: 1 jam thermometer or a thermometer probe

Wash strawberries and dry them. Hull them, then cut each strawberry in 2. Prepare a syrup with sugar and lemon juice in saucepan. Put the sugar to melt over low heat, turn off the heat, add pinch myrtle powder. Dip the strawberries in syrup, stir and let stand 15 minutes. Drain the district of candied citron, cut into small cubes and set aside. Do the same with clementines, cut them into 4. Bring the syrup with strawberries to a boil at 115 ° C. Stir frequently and gently with a wooden spoon. Skim frequently. Off the heat, add the diced citron and pieces of clementines. Turn to cook for 2 minutes at a rolling boil. Remove from heat and immediately pour the jam jar. Screw the lid and turn (twist-off effect ) to ensure the conservation of the jam.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Golden Airsoft Gun For Sale

bones with holes and peas

Of all the great meals, my favorite without question is the osso buco (literally "hole bone " in Italian). This marvel of Italian cuisine for me is a source of pleasure that I can not describe. Simple. Without embellishment. Some taste combinations that speak to me, that's all. Afterwards, there is no secret, to concoct a good osso buco, it is mandatory to obtain a quality product: tender meat that melts in your mouth. Add to that the gremolada this essential finishing touch to any osso buco alla Milanese worthy of that name, composed of fresh parsley, lemon and garlic, and you know how the bird caging one of my kind ... for eternity!

Instead of the traditional osso buco, which usually accompanies with risotto alla milanese too, I proposed a version accompanied by rats and fried peas. That changes a bit. And then it is always a slow sugar and a vegetable. So there!

Osso Buco

Ingredients (serves 4)

4 slices of veal shank thick (4-5 cm) and 75 g of butter, flour to coat meat, 1 small onion, 1 carrot ; 1 small stalk celery, 100 g of puree / pulp tomato or tomatoes peeled and 50 ml dry white wine, 250 ml meat stock house (or 250 ml of water + 1 chicken bouillon cube or beef) 8 potato "rats Noirmoutier", 500 g peas (shelled or frozen) salt and pepper


Lightly flour the slices of veal shanks. Heat the butter in a casserole or heavy-bottomed pan. Add the onion, celery, carrot, washed, wiped and finely chiseled. Jump seen high for 1 minute or 2, then add the slices of veal shanks. Add salt and pepper and adjust. Be sure to brown the shanks on both sides and on the sides.

When properly entered, moisten the meat with the wine and let the juice reduce for 1 minute. Add broth, tomatoes (or puree), reduce heat and simmer well, covered, for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, wash the skin of fingerling potatoes, dry, heat some butter and jump. Book. Cook the peas in boiling water or steam.



zest 1 / 2 lemon 3 sprigs parsley, a few drops of olive oil 1 small clove garlic


Grate lemon rind. Wash, stem and wipe the leaves of parsley. A grinder or mortar pestle (see picture below), mash the ingredients together until a coarse paste.

ye shall serve the gremolata over the meat and cooked or mixed with hot sauce.

Bon appetite and soon,