Saturday, December 5, 2009

O'day 23 Rigging Diagram

The brocciu arrived ... and other flavors of the maquis

Tribute to my cheese has always on the shelf this kind of small soft cheese by far my favorite! Yes, brocciu (or brucciu ) arrived a few weeks ago on his display. He must enjoy the season is short (November-March). To me imbrucciate and Fiadone which I accompany with a glass of Limoncellu , chestnut liqueur, citron and myrtle! To me these brocciu and figs in syrup waiting patiently since September in their bowl for the occasion! To me the gourmet breakfasts with honeydew brocciu watered the maquis, a pinch of pollen, a pinch of myrtle powder, a pinch of anise seeds, slivers of almonds or hazelnuts grilled slivers of canistrelli white wine and anise seeds or chestnut flour! And then stand beside the brocciu, these small tomes goat milk or sheep's milk "has filetta " or what brocciu passu, so delicious with a slice of fresh bread and a glass of red Granajolo bought earlier in my cellar (Homage to him too!) or a generous spoonful of candied figs house delicately flavored with honey and lavender! And then look, for that matter, a tribute to my butcher - he deserves it too! - Just above the street this year that imports and sells lonzu , figatellu , coppa ... But what did they then all these expensive shops? What the fly bites? Would they got wind of my treachery that endures, endures ... to try to maintain it?

You'll understand that these days, I enjoy Corsican products. Strongly this summer that I go back upstairs me to open the belly! :)

And then, thank you, gentlemen, go on, you do good work!

The Mailbox Cheese
16 Avenue Gabriel Peri 91700
Tel. : +33160169012

Butcher of Muguets
21 Avenue Gabriel Peri 91700
Tel. : +33160162667

The Lair of Bacchus
28 Avenue Gabriel Peri 91700
Tel. : +33160160833



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