Friday, January 28, 2011

Wiring Diagram For Second Battery In A Car To Amp

How not to waste his time writing for television

A friend of mine, writer of his state, sent the following text. I found it really interesting discussion, so I figured I would share it.
Martin W.
PS: There have been several fascinating commentary following the publication of this text. Do not forget to read them.

I just discovered with surprise and bonheurque Nina Companeez - writer whom I respect but whose star etl'inspiration had somewhat faded in recent times - just frapperun great blow to his comeback to latélévision. It has indeed adapted for France Television 2, rienmoins that In Search of Lost Time, deMarcel plugrantécrivainfrançaismortduvingtièmesiècle Proust. In two films of 110 minutes!

Yes, yes, I know: The Search has 7 volumes, 1. 200 000 words, 7. 200 000caractères or fifty novels Amelie Nothomb or Marc Levy - which does sontadaptés in film and due to a novel at once. Tribute to the entire del'œuvre Proustian in two half-nights is a business of a audacefolle, and Mrs. Companeez can only be rented. And then two times 90 minutes is ou110 the preferred format of French public service and sesspectateurs, who praise always without hesitation the prestigious French drama inspired by famous French writers of the world.

I know, the gossips say that the COMPANY is not only vain (Luchino Visconti himself lesdents it is broken and more than respectable filmmakers such Volker Schlöndorff, Raul Ruiz and Chantal Ackerman had the modesty to be limited to a single desromans cycle) but also that it is absurd. Because, for the purists pinched Research is a novel cycle of unecomplexité and richness unmatched. In their eyes, it is simply impossible do justice to such a work, and deconstruct a coherent film, meaning, embracing the entire histoireen format so limited. And to quote Harry Potter whose aventurescomptent also 7 volumes (Yes! 7! As Research! you really imagine that JK Rowling was an original author?). They point out that we had to shoot a beautiful film by Volume - even deuxpour the last - well the fans are still not happy!

But this argument is really specious, because finally , compare ceques is comparable. In the case of Harry Potter, this is an English adapted by Americans-in other words an author unknown to the French public writing in a language without style, exploited by unscrupulous sharks who hesitate Hollywood never learned to line pourfaire money. While Proust and Nina Companeez, it's still something else!

Some bitterly mocking say that life is short. Deuxcent and twenty minutes is still long. (Well, not as long as read Proust, but long nonetheless.) Etilé treacherously will suggest that these two hundred and twenty minutes, they can take advantage by going to the cinema to see films or arthouse unbon reading novels, even the beginning of Research (whose integral is online in one page, click HERE , it's crazy what quepermet the internet today ...).

But do not listen. A company like this definitely deserves all the spectators of France and Navarre (well, those who still watch F2) the taste from one end to another. It's a French book, written by a cinéastefrançaise broadcast on French TV. The look is - let's not mince words - a civic duty.

Well, I must confess to you frankly, jesuis went out of curiosity, take a look the trailer (you will see probably between two programs, these days), but it was a bit cold: I saw a lot of gentlemen and ladies naked (really, for a trailer too short), heard replicas incomprehensible overview actors poorly disguised ... And I thought it was a montage of excerpts from the Rose Series, TV movies "rogues" who passed on I do not know which station in the 80s. But do not think it deters deregarder you, eh? It is certainly very, very well. Companeez-Proust is a perfect match! And the trailer has definitely been missed by the channel. Instead, read the brilliant statement of intent drafted by Mrs Companeez to present his work.

And forcel'admiration such company. Because even in only 110 minutes and twice with evil desacteurs makeup, costumes and hair expenses have cost much money, and this is normal: TV quality, lots of dosh When onpense the BBC, for example, foolishly waste the money of contribuablebritannique to remunerate Aboriginal writers (and therefore necessarily unknown in France!) For writing - guess what? - Of fictionsoriginales! You can you imagine?

Fortunately, it could not happen here. France 2 has wisely invested in building on NinaCompaneez and Proust, strong values, of international stature. Finally, especially Nina Companeez. Because Proust Admittedly he did sontemps. Moreover, as a corporation, there is more, his work estpassée in the public domain now. And fortunately, because this way, his valiant scénaristepourra reap the fruits of his labor in the form of lucrative copyrights. And how can we not rejoice? Think! It APRIS Proust to round the body (in spite of himself), she has cleaned up his chore detoutes unnecessary lengths - short, she has sweated blood and water to finally allow the public to be penetrated deeply by this masterful work to date reserved for the happy few . I do not know what he will bring his modest adaptation, but it will only be justice.

And if I wanted to write this, I who never speak publicly, because I wanted to thank Ms. Companeez. For three years I have vainly sought a scenario carrier to offer a string. And with it, I just had a general idea-nial ! Brace yourself: I'll adapt the Bible twice in one hundred and ten minutes. Yes! First time: the Old Testament, Second time: leNouveau! How? "It has already been done"? Not at all! C e lazy Cecil B. de Mille was nice to take it twice (1923 and 1956), well, in three hours, he has been able to tell that The Ten Commandments! And John Huston, this hack, its Bible (1966) that lasts three hours too, goes no further than the end of Genesis. And it thinks he is a filmmaker!

You see what you'll see! The Bible is not much longer to clean than Proust! And in addition, for a writer is manna: there are really any ! A barrage of incredible characters, Sodom, Gomorrah, del'action, special effects and - A? No! - two Gods: the Father, we will see especially in the first part, and the Son in the second! And when we know the number of lecteurspassés, present and future of that book, you can imagine the DVD? They will sell like petitspains!

Yesterday, I recorded the detailed design - the characters, settings, everything! - The SACD and submitted my "pitch" on France 2! And to put all leschances on my side, I also sent to TF1 and M6 (Arte, it was not worth it, they n'adaptent as novels of German writers, is unknown in France.) For once I have a winning idea, I did not want me somebody mowing! Well, NinaCompaneez will surely bite the fingers by making ... that this great idea he has flown under the nose. But after all, she can only blame itself. It's true: no one forced her to lose her time with Proust.

Marcel Jersey


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