Monday, May 18, 2009

Transfer Music Vuze Itunes

KKVKVK # 31 - Sorbets with milk from sheep and goat

Months, nay, years seems to me there that I have not attended a KiKi ! ... And I almost missed this beautiful 31st edition, hosted by Trinidad ( The Petis Dishes Trinidad ). I wanted to answer this with an original recipe, but for lack of time, I made an experiment out again there is a sacred moment.

If I damned for creamy ice cream wish, I tend to prefer the relative lightness and freshness of sorbet. My favorite game is to transform the perfumes that were used instead of crossing in the form of ice cream, sherbet: chocolate, coffee, chestnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds , nothing scares me! Better yet, I love to transform a basic milk sherbet, as I have done with milk from sheep and goats. Accompanied with fresh fruit coulis (it is still early for apricots) and statements with notes of pepper and lemon assertive enough, these sorbets pleasantly surprise even the most delicate. Must still love this kind of dairy ... The

sorbet recipe milk from sheep and goat with fresh fruit coulis , is here: rponse.html

I would have well even tell my adventures in the dark ages, but it's getting late. But remember, I found myself a time with no less than ... Three ice cream at home! The first was too small, I won the second in a competition organized by Aprifel for Fraîch'Attitude Week in 2006 ( Estérelle there was the time for something ...) and the third was given to me with the purchase of my food processor. In short, today, the first dropped me (there is very little time, after many years of loyal service ... and I must say that this was My very first appliance for culinary preparation, is to say the love I feel for the ice cream in general), I sell the second cauz'que I have more space, cauz'que I used Altogether 5 times (if you're interested, let me know), the third cauz'que came very early in my life and I can not do without!

soon and thank you for organizing Trinidad KKVKVK what I know to be exceptional!


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