Sunday, April 25, 2010

Backpack Invitation Template

Until the summer-vanilla-strawberry cheesecake as he likes-

Unexpectedly, despite the weather more Avenir, school holidays and the fact that the Inrocks have put the third disc in their hundred Vincent Delerm Albums of the 2000s, the coastal paths of Brittany were systematically deserts. The water was blue lagoon and the air laden with scents that we could summarize by "there are flowers in the same rocks."
on marked trails, later sitting on a fluffy vegetation, contemplating the curvature of the horizon, we talked about travel (I think it lands in Australia) and spaghetti alle vongole. And ukulele.
unconsciously, the route was silent for an attempt to find a small hotel on the water where we had previously failed, huge room on floor and hot tea behind the large windows. He was always laid on the edge of the estuary. But we finally slept elsewhere, fearing that only holds that the repetition is often associated with erosion of happiness when it occurs by chance. The only event
supra despairing was the appearance of physical symptoms that devastated me and led to a rapid return to our apartment where I was imposed a difficult regime based pizzas and rice pudding. The recovery was quick.
Strangely, this premature return has not weakened the pleasure of being on vacation. I deciphered
scraps for the return of the piano teacher, I develop my film Lomo (some photos have proved useless and ugly but others delighted me, they reinforce my s The idea I like the pictures just missed a little fearful that, like the aesthetics of girls-and boys-I like when there's something wrong. Perfection bores my eye), I read a lot (and reread at least five times the section entitled Alain Bergala games of choice and chance in the number of Cahiers spent Rohmer), j have listened Noah and the Whale me feeling a bit sad because I love The Squid and the Whale Noah Baumbach of but I felt a little betrayed when I tried to see before- yesterday Aquatic Life, which he co-writer. Gosh, what that makes it less about me, that I can recognize myself in anything? Yet there is this thing very andersonien to laugh at things very small and not necessarily laughable at first, and then also the leading character who runs things in a somewhat vain but that night I stayed tight (I 'll end up calling it whom a Christmas story ) (P. I hope will not mind). But the songs of Noah and the whale, they are good!
I still avoided service in the soundtrack to G. who does not like and whose birthday was celebrated with a little delay because of me and faults my health. In addition to an amazing dinner Tanpopo ( yet! is the fault of I., a reader-friendly. Croisée one morning in the bus 64, it really made me want to try dinner in seven dishes) where the menu titled Walk the arrival of spring (fond memories of the lovely bottle of sake while sweet and fresh and the sashimi bar colonnata bacon topped with a rhubarb condiment-anchovy-caper) I tried to respect his desire to birthday cake, vanilla cheesecake a cutter with a thick layer of well cookies (I feel that this application is very masculine, it has several variants including "You could make a crumble with a lot of dough?" ).
If you want to try:

vanilla and strawberry cheesecake
To pan 20cm diameter at top edge

-150g-150g spiced
cooled melted butter (actually in the end I did not put any)

-4 small-Swiss (240g) drained
-100g cream cheese
-150g double cream
50g sugar -2 eggs

-the seeds of a pod
-vanilla zest of half a small lemon

-500g strawberry sugar-

Crush cookies into crumbs irregular, mix melted butter.
The spread in the bottom of the mold by packing well with the back of a large spoon.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Meanwhile prepare the cream. Relax the
froamge costs, add small-Swiss and cream. Mix.
Add sugar, vanilla, zest and eggs, one at a time, mixing each time.
Bake the crust for ten minutes then turn down the thermostat 130 °.
Pour cream over crust and réenfourner for about an hour: the edges are not brown, the cream is still shaky in the middle.
Cool to room temperature before refrigerating (24h, 48h is good but it is even better with a good taste of vanilla).
the day, wash, dry, remove stems, cut the strawberries, sprinkle with sugar and let stand to cool. Serve
He loved.
Another recipe for vanilla-strawberry cheesecake that is very keen in Fanny.

Estérelle and pigs in blanket (not a new rock group)

The night I was looking for the dvd The Life Aquatic, I dragged the kitchen department of a bookstore that I do not like but has the advantage of staying open late enough. The umpteenth releases on the glasses and toasted me a bit depressed but there was also of the new book Estérelle (yes, this literate young woman who loves purple, lemon, rhubarb and shoes, that who knows how to do chest pig lunch or dinner, the one I dream of tasting the veal osso buco or) and I picked him up yesterday afternoon after the market after lunch. I could put on sandals so it was fine.
At home, sitting cross-legged on the sofa in the office, I devoured his series of crime and their associated revenues. In addition to whet your appetite, these pages reminded me of the old readings and as Iago was a hell of a villain (did you know that Othello is also the name of a cake?). The illustrations are good and I obviously felt a particular fondness for the perfect blackcurrant and writing of the recipe that accompanies the chapter on The disappearance of Perec. When I
got to the chapter on the Big Bad Wolf, I was seized by the urge immediate prepare pigs in blanket , as they call them across the Atlantic flaky sausage, perfect companions to the small glass top evening. Delicious chewable hot!
(Another advantage: using the last two survivors of small-Swiss cheesecake)

For a dozen mouthfuls (minor changes)
-120g flour 60g
-soft butter (salted here if not add salt 1/2cc) -2
grandchildren Swiss
(it's pastry magic! )
-1CS mustard honey
-1/2CS heavy cream
-2 large frankfurters
-a little milk Sift flour

Add butter and small-Swiss.
Mix together to form a dough ball.
Spread the dough on a floured surface to a 4-5mm thick.
Combine mustard, honey and cream and then spread the mixture over dough rectangle.
Place a sausage, wrap the two rounds of dough and cut to get a roll.
Repeat with the second sausage.
Brush the rolls with a little milk.
Cut small patties cook twenty minutes on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper in an oven at 180 degrees. Super hot
good with ketchup!


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