Sunday, August 29, 2010

Can You Install Fsx On 3 Computers

The bet was big in the light of history. Mad when he was scared to climb the rope, blue knee when approaching the 110-meter hurdles, shortness of breath in the soft curves and legs on the beam, and hypotonic dislocated my body has never liked sports. Except at the corner of the world.

arms suffered a bit though, the wind was contrary. He had to go down a river, then crossing a lake to arrive on an island where hiding a small castle (no, not one where the King took his mistress on the sly, another).
He lent me a jacket a little closer to him and he often repeated You can stop if you want, and just watch . Just look at water lilies and dragonflies, wild geese take flight, swans solitary, wrinkles water, the sky in flames. But he found me stubborn, because I was recovering faster the paddle to help.
In the only room in the castle, there were candles, matches and a nice card game but we did not play. It should not drag, Johan and Wilma were going to wait for dinner.
For three years already, they had left Holland and the frantic pace at which they led their lives and moved into the house formerly occupied by the sergeant of the village on the edge of the forest, Salbohed, a tiny town with a supermarket , an hour's drive from Stockholm. A point just visible on the map.
They repainted the house all black with a pretty red, they redid all the rooms, placed the beautiful tapestries, furniture chosen warm and sweet and colorful blankets for the winter, when it gets dark at three o'clock in the the afternoon and we have snow up size. The house sergeant became a beautiful Bed and Breakfast where you really feel like home .
Each evening, Wilma proposes to prepare dinner and Johan is the service, ceremony, cheerful and a little shy. The dishes are simple and delicious, a dish of fish, grilled salmon, spaghetti with herbs and fish sauce. Salad and good bread. A cake with blueberries, with those of the garden. In the morning, there are fruits in a crate, juicy pears and fragrant example, apples or tiny.
We stayed three days there, I loved our evenings when, after dessert, they came and sat near us, and as it was nice to tell his life to people that we never meet again and as I also liked listening to them speak Swedish winters, people crossed and elk that they sometimes found at their door.
The morning of our departure, they have embraced the promise of a postcard when I spend my thesis next year.
I do not think we should return to Salbohed but the journey's end, after many vicissitudes, when G. asked me what I do before returning to Stockholm, I said Canoeing and sleep at Johan and Wilma .
The reception was wonderful and she had planned nuts and dried fruits for shipment in a canoe. I loved biting into a piece of coconut and glean a few cranberries. That evening, we dined together, and we talked so long that some candles were fully consummées.
The next day, before leaving, G. picked up his Polaroid (found in a trunk in her mother) and photographing the chess game and the two chairs of the entry. We promised to return in winter, a day to make snowshoes and then go drink a Glogg munching pepparkakor .

If like us you ever decide to travel by car Sweden (green apple), addresses some cheering when you're exhausted from a six-hour ride through the woods when one is excited by the beauty of a place, when to wait an hour before the next tour (required! as outrageous as the audio guides in museums) of a fairy tale castle or just to discuss topics of importance ( should really return this antique next to the park to look for the turquoise vase? ).

-in the main square of Salamanca, we do not expect it at all, but there is a tea rose, gray and white, Rombo Gaarden with a counter that overflows kanelbullar of morotskaka , rolls filled with chocolate and banana cookies with lavender or orange. I keep the memory of a lovely waitress, with a small head to Audrey Hepburn, really happy to say that the vanilla ice cream is homemade and just ensure that selected slices, salmon, for example, are to our liking.

I saw in the half-open door kitchen for us to apply a ball of vanilla ice cream and I was touched by its concentration. Everything was very good, very fresh. And we were not disappointed by the kanelbullar eaten later. It's a nice place to attend, through magazines, draw pictures and talk. And it's also a shop!

to Sigtuna, after the street from the tourist office, you will not fail to stop at Chocolate RC

There was a very blonde girl of which I I envied a moment the polka dot dress, but my attention was quickly diverted by a hot chocolate and a small sandwich too good (I like salted with chocolate, for example, a boiled egg with fingers of ham with sips of my daily delight me Poulain orange).

The kardemmumabullar had a crumb moist as I like (one day I'll tell you how with Super ° ° ° Loukoum I have overcome the brioche dough).

to Uppsala, the city where Bergman spent his childhood vacations, where is Emanuel Swedenborg , there is also the Eko Cafeet , coffee held by a Polish medical student who decided to take a break from his studies (we have a little discussion with him), his brother and a friend who is doing quite well in the kitchen if we are to believe the meatballs tasted this afternoon then with potatoes and a tandoori sauce with yoghurt and herbs.

The atmosphere is extremely casual, the clientele mix boys alone in big glasses on a spree and grandmas come enjoy a big bowl of tomato soup with fresh bread.

Back in Stockholm, there are three places where really, one sighs of pleasure

- Lao Wai an incredible vegetarian Chinese restaurant, which invites to visit its kitchens. I just took a look shy but I loved the show woks boiling and quick hands that émincent chives. The mapo doufu (one of my favorite Chinese dishes, one day so I'll talk about whatever I do, according to a recipe Mengwe ) is absolutely insane. And for dessert, the pandan ice that we were about to devour shone like the eyes of the barmaid, and rightly so.

-road park Carl Milles, stop at Gateau to make chocolate biscuits, a portion of apple pie, a carrot muffin and a small bun. EVERYTHING is good!

-on advice from Julia during a day at Djurgaarden, we have not missed going to lunch Rosendals Trädgaard . That's where I ate the best morotskaka ! Soft, not too spicy, not too sweet, creamy frosting and lemon as needed.

If there had not been such a long queue, I would have taken a second part!
(And I'd well stay longer on vacation)

Salbohed Garden Bed and Breakfast Kopparbergsvägen 40 to Salbohed
Rombo Garden Stora Torget 8 to Sala
RC Chocolate Stora Gatan 49 to Sigtuna
Eko Cafeet Drottninggatan 5 to Uppsala
Lao Wai Luntmakargatan 74 in Stockholm
Gateau Herserudsvägen 1 to Lidingö and other places on the Site
Rosendals Trädgaard Rosendalsterrassen 12 Stockholm

Dbz Doujinshi Vegeta And Goku

The Last Drop: dewdrops player demanding ...

Various receipts literary periodical flow of books, like a tidal unerring regularity, the movement that, with the punctuality of metronome, inflames (sometimes mildly) the editors of magazines and cultural supplements, obeys very often more economical than artistic imperatives. Thus, some chips are unfortunately skipped in favor of books due to feathers famous "bankable" with publishers who have long-established. The effects of this law of the market is devastating, and literature loses. In fact, important texts go unnoticed, while mediocre works gain an audience, which ultimately is intended to turn away from books, ranging from disappointment to disappointment, and granting more credit to a small book. In this flood of publications of varying quality, yet there is a way to identify and find the path of an exciting yet demanding literature, prompting all the enthusiasm, restoring the joy of reading to those who have lost: rely on a publisher. Some publishers, in fact, be guided by passion rather than enfeoffing himself to greed or purely commercial considerations. They are numerous, these small publishers led by passionate and talented as the guide to the insatiable curiosity of the literary treasures which without them would have remained buried.

The Last Drop is to them. Founded in February 2008 in Strasbourg by Nathalie and Christophe Eberhardt Sedierta, this publishing house has already the reader a rich catalog of various texts, from different backgrounds but share a very high quality. Rub authors remote in time and spirit, and yet there is a relationship between them defined by the project nicely exposed on the editorial page of the site of the Last Drop:
"The last drop likes the word, words, what slap , which fuse , which slap and claw and bite . Tales cruel , dialogues acids .
And pictures too unreal, contrasting
venomous and absurd.
The last drop puts saddle daydreams hachurent that the reality of a sense of strangeness.
It represents the universe of text boxes, grotesque, bizarre or dark
The novels and stories she publishes

reflect the beauty that sparkles in the shadows. "

; Thus, the first titles published, already distinguished themselves by their richness and diversity: The Joy of Rats , Marie-Agnès Michel, fiction anticipation Werl Antonio approaches the works of Antony and Volodin JG Ballard (no less!) The Lie, a novel four-hands Gallet Anne Flaten and Isabella, who, beyond the plot is fully integrated into a contemporary ( exchange love born of chance, which develops in the virtual internet), opens a discussion on obsession love that feeds on fantasy and dependence; Insider , Jacques Sternberg, a reprint of a novel published in 1954, and whose appearance resonates eerily prophetic today, and last but not least, My Hell , Jakob Elias Poritzky, a novel published in 1906 in Germany, never translated into French, work sharp, violent, in fact burned by the Nazis at a bonfire ... Since then, this catalog has expanded and offers more than a dozen very interesting titles. I would like to mention three, published this year.

In October 2009 seems a magnificent novel of Silvio Huonder, Swiss-born German novelist - his novel moreover, in common with him that both ordinary geography and amazing to the reader: in fact, Adalina leads his protagonist, Johannes Maculinea, Berlin Grisons, hometown of the character but also of the author. This story of love and loss, one as the other illusory sounds strange in this place at once unusual and conformist, exacerbating tensions, feelings, to drama, in quite another context, could be commonplace in the Roman ... amazing strength, Adalina leads the reader into dangerous territory and transgressive, intimate and poignant, beyond the limits of humanity, in a happy nature where people create their own misery ... The beautiful translation of Dina and Nathalie Regnier Sikiric Eberhardt reveals a poetic language and hit at a time, adapted to the movements of the consciousness of the character faces the longing for love and the impossibility of forgetting. The novel has been the subject of a very nice column in La Taverne du Doge Loredan.

Gabriel Banez, Argentine novelist of immense talent, died before he had seen published in French his extraordinary novel The Children disappear in January 2010 , to the chagrin of Christopher Sedierta, its publisher. The Last Drop, again, offers readers a French text of exceptional quality, which, despite an apparent simplicity, opens a vital meditation on time, childhood, death ... The reason could evoke Hitchcock in Rear Window or Christian-Jaque with The Missing Saint-Agil : from his wheelchair, a watch is the witness of mysterious disappearances of children, always accurate eighteen hours. Witness and suspect, he offers no explanation, but forces the reader to enter an intensely personal reflection on childhood, the passage of time, stillness and movement ... Again, I invite you to refer to a excellent chronicle of the doge Christopher Martinez, accurate and comprehensive while maintaining the mystery.
Finally, I also wanted to mention one of the last issues of this young publishing house: a book bitter and joyful, cheerful and disillusioned, that of Mario Rocchi: Casa Balboa, a chronic disorder usually . An astonishing work, stream of consciousness of a disenchanted and voluptuous splenetic Tuscan might be a reflection of its creator. Casa Balboa fifties cranky and obsessed with sex, finds that the calming walking his dog Otto who is, somehow, his double happy. It covers the Italian company of Berlusconi and Pope Benedict XVI, on the family, a look jaded and pessimistic. The novel, blossoming freely, developing in a certain anarchy, without pause, without chapter discusses the Italian cinema of the seventies, placing himself under the tutelage of Mario Monicelli ("Just think of flesh of my flesh, it makes me want to be a vegetarian "is the sentence in the book highlight from the movie Dear Friends ) or Ettore Scola (sometimes thought to effusions of the paterfamilias of libidinous Brutti, and sporchi cattiva i).

The next editions of The Last Drop are just as exciting with the announcement for October 7, 2010 of confabulation novel by Jakob Wassermann, German author best known in France for Kaspar Hauser or the laziness of the heart - a novel that personally, I wait with great impatience, and, by January 2011, the exciting prospect of discovering another novel by Gabriel Banez, The Virgin of Ensenada ...
Thank you to Chris Martinez, who through his article on the children disappear, sparked my desire to discover this beautiful novel and, hence, other works published by The Last Drop (PS: thank you for the Sham ...). Also thank you to Christopher Sedierta that drinking tea at Cafe Brant has taught us that talent, curiosity, passion and modesty can go together ... ___________________________________________________________________

Site Publishing Last Drop :
The website of Christopher Martinez, La Taverne du Doge Loredan :
Anne Gallet Isabelle Flaten , The Sham , 2008
Silvio Huonder, Adalina (translation of Dina and Nathalie Regnier Sikiric Eberhardt), 2009
Gabriel Banez, Children disappear (remarkable translation of Frederick Gross-Quelen), 2010
Mario Rocchi, Casa Balboa, a chronic disorder usually (again, very beautiful translation by Sylvie Huet), 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Carbon Monoxide Peak Readings

"I fell in my garden ..."

While I am very, very quiet, very strong indeed absent, but I am still not very far behind you, there. It's me who reads over your shoulder, Vui Vui. I know is désagréab ', but like that and worse is all. Meanwhile, nothing prevents you from actively participating in the second International Photography Contest Culinary . I was indeed invited by Chef Damien ( ), to participate in this contest as a jury for the Prix food bloggers.

I expect that you explode you to shine my taste buds drooling and my pupils ... or vice versa, I know, hold! ;)

How to compete?

The Price of food bloggers will reward the user who produces the best image from a recipe on the theme of plant the plate. "I down in my garden ... ", it tells you something?

blogger must submit a photograph and recipe (3 maximum per blogger) on his blog and the Facebook account of 750 grams by encouraging users to comment on his photography.

The contest will be open from August 10 to October 15, 2010.

The choice of the winner?

Ten photographs obtained with the most comments on Facebook will become finalists.

Ten other photographs will be selected for their artistic quality by a jury under the leadership of Isabelle Rozenbaum, food photographer (see and ) Chef Damien Site culinary, Jean-Pierre Stephan, president and founder of the International Festival of Photography and Culinary blogger culinary Tit 'of Blog Num Num Birdy! [that's bibi!].

Among this total of twenty photographs in the competition, ten will be chosen by the same jury, including that of the winner of food bloggers.


The winner will win a meal for two at Alain Passard offered by a robot KitchenAid Artisan, and will receive the trophy "Golden Lens Award of Culinary Bloggers" during the evening of the Festival Awards Ceremony, 9 November 2010, Espace Mobalpa (Paris).

The second and third prizes will be awarded per 750 grams. The photograph has received the greatest number of comments will also be rewarded.

The ten winning photographs will be exhibited at the Salon Culinaire de Soissons Blog on 20 and 21 November 2010.


For more information,



Monday, August 16, 2010

How Can I Make My Hair Like Dahvie Vanity

Poetry of disaster: Charles Reznikoff, Holocaust (an excerpt)

How literature, especially poetry, can it account for the tragedies, disasters collective disasters in history ;? A formula incisive Theodor Adorno: " The critique of culture is confronted in the last stage of the dialectic between culture and barbarism: to write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric, and this affects even the knowledge that explains why it is impossible today to write poems. "(Theodor W. Adorno, Critique of Culture and Society , 1949), reproduced and discussed ad infinitum, poets respond with their works. If the awful period that saw Auschwitz and other places where horror has territorialized calls into question the very existence of arts, literature and poetry, it is understandable that the philosopher wrote "shocked" how to think the unthinkable, the unspeakable name? Adorno later return to that article and qualify the content, in Negative Dialectics , for example. The words seem to have lost their power, and the world to devote himself to silence. The beauty is no place ... But that we reduce poetry to its aesthetic function? This conception of poetry is certainly very widespread very simple, based on his Orphic aspect - it is true that it seems almost consubstantial lyricism. The poem does he voice to him who gives birth, or can he do that resonate with strangers, anonymous victims of private speech?
The authors sometimes are witnesses or spokespeople, but the gap between evidence and put in poetic form which opens a questioning Charles Reznikoff responds subtle, masterful and poignant. Before him, already, the writers chose to step aside to preserve full scope of evidence: Karl Kraus in the last days of humanity , 'apocalyptic drama than 800 pages "(Lucien Goldmann), uses quotes read in the press that spreads war propaganda between 1914 and 1918. Later, William Carlos Williams recorded his poetry in a political process, bringing it through a keen eye on American society of his time. "No ideas purpose in things" ("No ideology, but of concrete") he writes in "A kind of song "(1944). Frank Smith, in 2010, places this phrase as an epigraph to his magnificent Guantanamo ... But in the meantime, in line with Williams and current modernist and objectivist, others reflected on the role of poetry, which they use to testify, depriving it affects the poet Louis Zukofsky, George Oppen and Charles Reznikoff, arguably the most famous of them. The latter, in 1965, publishes Testimony - The United States 1885-1890, based on records of U.S. courts. "In Testimony , the protagonists of which I use all testify about what they truly lived. Their testimony is that of someone who testifies in court - not a description of how they felt, but what they have seen or heard. What, me, I wanted to do is, when making a choice, make an assembly, punctuating the words they used, and create a mood or feeling. (...) One critic wrote that rereading Testimony he saw a world of horror and violence. I did not invent this world, but it what I felt. "(interview given to the journal Europe, 1977, quoted in his preface to Auxeméry Holocaust). Then precisely in 1975, this work seems extraordinary and painful Holocaust , composed from the testimony of survivors at the Nuremberg trials. And this long poem, organized into twelve chapters (Deportation I., II. Invasion III. Research, IV. Ghettos, V. Massacres, VI. Gas Chambers and Gas Trucks, VII. Work Camps, VIII. Children IX. Entertainment, X. Mass graves, XI. Marche XII. Evasions) managed to transcribe some of this reality human, that horror of these individual dramas fitting into the collective disaster, more than names on a monument, even if this testimony all remain anonymous. She filed in each player a little "this all-or burn the whole story flared" (Maurice Blanchot, The Writing of the disaster , 1980), marking it forever a scar bright ...

This is the third "song" of the fifth Part of the work, entitled "Massacres".

"Jewish women were lined up by the troops
charge of German territory,
forced to undress,
and they were standing in his underwear.
An officer, who watched the row of women,
stopped to watch a young woman -
tall, with long braided hair, and eyes
He continued to look, then smiled and said,
"A step forward."
Dazed - as they were all - she did not move
and said again: "A step forward!
You do not want to live? "
She took a step forward
and then said:" What damage
put so much beauty in the world!
But do not look back.
You have the street to the boulevard.
Am there. "
She hesitated
and then began to walk as he had said.
The other women looked -
probably with some envy -
she walked slowly, step by step.
And the officer took out his revolver
and shot in the back. "


Charles Reznikoff, Holocaust , Pretext Publisher / Poetry, 2007 (translation Auxeméry)
Theodor W. Adorno, Prisms : critique of culture and society, Payot, 1986
Negative Dialectics, Payot, 1978
Maurice Blanchot, The Writing of the disaster , Gallimard, 1980
And I wanted to thank Frederick Fiolof and Marcel Inhoff, both of which, at the same time without knowing it, caught my attention the work of Reznikoff .

Carolina Osmosis Lab Teacher Guide

And she loved life as you can not imagine how I liked

Friday noon to Gaardanas Butik.
We shared the large wooden table painted in light blue with a small group of friends who all seemed to love the sweet mustard.
The young woman who greeted us, jeans, tennis roses and chocolate linen apron, said in a smile that there were house meatballs, sausage or stew with mashed potatoes, a plate of herring and white asparagus soup.
In the meantime, she has made of thin slices of sourdough bread, butter and a delicious apple juice in a beautiful handmade bottle.
In the meantime, we photographed the stacks of wooden boxes, local vegetables and jars of honey. I liked adding a little butter on the mashed potatoes enriched with fresh herbs and honey mustard on my balls all fluffy. Around the other tables, everyone seemed happy.
While we were talking about Scandinavian furniture, while G. sipping coffee, which closes each of his lunch, a very old man walked in the room. A very elegant man in his slow gait. It was closely followed by a wrinkled woman, who was traveling with two canes. Slowly. Behind them, a friend of the same generation, with a hat. They shook hands with the young woman with pink tennis apron and chocolate, she was quick to pick up the cushions in the windows to soften the back of their chairs. The cook, blue apron and large white shirt, came out to greet them warmly and wrinkled faces were so thrilled. They chose
herring, served with boiled eggs, crackers, cream and cheese. The friend said he was would like a cold beer to accompany the meal. As there were none, he decided, quietly, to go look at the supermarket next door. Ten minutes later, the cook laid on the table a little game with wooden eggs, bread and butter. The woman began to make some sandwiches for her husband and their friend. She began to spread butter on slices of bread so good the crust thin and crisp, sweet tart heart, because leaven. The friend soon joined them, he opened the can of beer, shared content in three large glasses and seemed very happy to find your plate the small slice of buttered bread.
I do not know why but say I was much moved by these three individuals, apparently very old, who expressed this afternoon then "Look, if we went to lunch Gaardanas Butik?" , who seem to get along, taking care of each other and are attentive to their wishes.

Gaardanas Butik Nytorsgatan 31 Stockholm
Ju *, with its good taste and erudition usual, had already spoken, I forgot to write down the address but my subconscious it is responsible for me!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Can You Join The Military With Pectus

(l Summer instantly) She always says hello

In the small shop in the front blue, he gave me a necklace with some * tiny transparent stones barely pink and white flower. Both vendors and their friends, who was preparing to dine in Hossegor, have all nodded to the side and let out a sigh moved. He thought it was a bit much anyway. With the collar, there was a small pouch inscribed with what could be a summary of the last times. Little things make
big days.
This year I looked Biarritz through both instant cameras following me everywhere, even if it was heavy and it was hot, even if it led to having two bags while the first is already completed (one black Moleskine diary, notebook for travel notes, drawings and collages, a wallet, card holder, leather-lined blue Liberty, a Swedish kit bought in Paris in winter and heavy color pencils purchased in Vienna, a pen Multi-mines and two Japanese navy blue and green felt of water, lip balm and lemon carrot, another Norwegian who has proven, sunglasses, a novel in progress **, a packet of tissues, and sometimes a pair of shoes in a bag). And were caught in a generalized excitation disappearance of the sun above the beach of the Basques, a hand stirring a straw in a glass of mojito drinking at the water's edge, a node in a neck, an Italian ice in Returning from the beach, a breakfast Miremont (their toast very thick grilled, buttered and jammy with raspberry dipped in hot chocolate is a delicious way to start the day) or the Grande Plage way Martin Parr with a Polaroid vintage red button or a Lomo complemented by its own Board of instant development. Some black and white photographs seem to have been taken in the early 30s.
I wanted to photograph everything.
Daho's Song by chance in a pottery workshop. Joy
morning, tireless, when the shutters go up on the balcony, seeing the sky light on the waves that kissed the sharp rocks yet.
The good mood of the regulars who gathered around the counter of my favorite place to start the evening with a freshly squeezed orange juice and a glass of wine, all with divine tapas.
Solitude concentrated the boy lying on her towel with a novel in GF Flammarion, which made him frown eyebrows. The taste of ice
midnight oceanfront.
His hair brown.
rather touching awkwardness of the medical student who prepared my pancake chocolate (who has tried my dress).
The curious eye of a bookseller.
The voice of a friend when it is hot but there is still the wind at the beach, you hear?
Owls holidays.

* Just as I avoid everything up (for modesty and shyness), I never wear jewelry, except the ring bought three years ago in an antique now, in early summer. The purchase of this necklace is thus a micro-event. ** Other

list : Ten pounds for the luggage
The fate of Mr Crump
Ludwig Lewisohn
Ten o'clock in the evening in the summer of Marguerite Duras
roman à clef of Alizée Meurisse (bought because of the phrase on the back cover I have a weakness for chocolate cookies , devoured and loved)
Peter Stamm Agnes (or Seven years the same author)
wildly Francoise Sagan
In of Mirth by Edith Wharton
Correspondence Simone de Beauvoir / Jacques-Laurent Bost
Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser
W or the Memory of Childhood by Georges Perec (although I know from experience that nothing beats reading life manual in Roman Holiday)
you going already? My life with Harold Pinter and Antonia Fraser (which annoys me tremendously-I was on the verge of tearing the pages, but I like it when even the stories about the doubts of Pinter and Samuel Beckett appearances) (c is the author of the biography of Marie-Antoinnette that inspired Sofia Coppola, who knew how to make one of my favorite works when it comes to teens)
And then the classics that go with the lemonade: Proust, Flaubert (I just Sentimental Education in my bag with books to A balcony in the forest of Gracq), Tolstoy and my dear Sylvia Plath.
And books for teens to pretty cover, My autumn in Kyoto Karine Reysset, Four sisters Malika Ferdjoukh, England Genevieve Brisac or Fears Design Agnes Desarthe.

And you read anything this summer?