Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dbz Doujinshi Vegeta And Goku

The Last Drop: dewdrops player demanding ...

Various receipts literary periodical flow of books, like a tidal unerring regularity, the movement that, with the punctuality of metronome, inflames (sometimes mildly) the editors of magazines and cultural supplements, obeys very often more economical than artistic imperatives. Thus, some chips are unfortunately skipped in favor of books due to feathers famous "bankable" with publishers who have long-established. The effects of this law of the market is devastating, and literature loses. In fact, important texts go unnoticed, while mediocre works gain an audience, which ultimately is intended to turn away from books, ranging from disappointment to disappointment, and granting more credit to a small book. In this flood of publications of varying quality, yet there is a way to identify and find the path of an exciting yet demanding literature, prompting all the enthusiasm, restoring the joy of reading to those who have lost: rely on a publisher. Some publishers, in fact, be guided by passion rather than enfeoffing himself to greed or purely commercial considerations. They are numerous, these small publishers led by passionate and talented as the guide to the insatiable curiosity of the literary treasures which without them would have remained buried.

The Last Drop is to them. Founded in February 2008 in Strasbourg by Nathalie and Christophe Eberhardt Sedierta, this publishing house has already the reader a rich catalog of various texts, from different backgrounds but share a very high quality. Rub authors remote in time and spirit, and yet there is a relationship between them defined by the project nicely exposed on the editorial page of the site of the Last Drop:
"The last drop likes the word, words, what slap , which fuse , which slap and claw and bite . Tales cruel , dialogues acids .
And pictures too unreal, contrasting
venomous and absurd.
The last drop puts saddle daydreams hachurent that the reality of a sense of strangeness.
It represents the universe of text boxes, grotesque, bizarre or dark
The novels and stories she publishes

reflect the beauty that sparkles in the shadows. "

; Thus, the first titles published, already distinguished themselves by their richness and diversity: The Joy of Rats , Marie-Agnès Michel, fiction anticipation Werl Antonio approaches the works of Antony and Volodin JG Ballard (no less!) The Lie, a novel four-hands Gallet Anne Flaten and Isabella, who, beyond the plot is fully integrated into a contemporary ( exchange love born of chance, which develops in the virtual internet), opens a discussion on obsession love that feeds on fantasy and dependence; Insider , Jacques Sternberg, a reprint of a novel published in 1954, and whose appearance resonates eerily prophetic today, and last but not least, My Hell , Jakob Elias Poritzky, a novel published in 1906 in Germany, never translated into French, work sharp, violent, in fact burned by the Nazis at a bonfire ... Since then, this catalog has expanded and offers more than a dozen very interesting titles. I would like to mention three, published this year.

In October 2009 seems a magnificent novel of Silvio Huonder, Swiss-born German novelist - his novel moreover, in common with him that both ordinary geography and amazing to the reader: in fact, Adalina leads his protagonist, Johannes Maculinea, Berlin Grisons, hometown of the character but also of the author. This story of love and loss, one as the other illusory sounds strange in this place at once unusual and conformist, exacerbating tensions, feelings, to drama, in quite another context, could be commonplace in the Roman ... amazing strength, Adalina leads the reader into dangerous territory and transgressive, intimate and poignant, beyond the limits of humanity, in a happy nature where people create their own misery ... The beautiful translation of Dina and Nathalie Regnier Sikiric Eberhardt reveals a poetic language and hit at a time, adapted to the movements of the consciousness of the character faces the longing for love and the impossibility of forgetting. The novel has been the subject of a very nice column in La Taverne du Doge Loredan.

Gabriel Banez, Argentine novelist of immense talent, died before he had seen published in French his extraordinary novel The Children disappear in January 2010 , to the chagrin of Christopher Sedierta, its publisher. The Last Drop, again, offers readers a French text of exceptional quality, which, despite an apparent simplicity, opens a vital meditation on time, childhood, death ... The reason could evoke Hitchcock in Rear Window or Christian-Jaque with The Missing Saint-Agil : from his wheelchair, a watch is the witness of mysterious disappearances of children, always accurate eighteen hours. Witness and suspect, he offers no explanation, but forces the reader to enter an intensely personal reflection on childhood, the passage of time, stillness and movement ... Again, I invite you to refer to a excellent chronicle of the doge Christopher Martinez, accurate and comprehensive while maintaining the mystery.
Finally, I also wanted to mention one of the last issues of this young publishing house: a book bitter and joyful, cheerful and disillusioned, that of Mario Rocchi: Casa Balboa, a chronic disorder usually . An astonishing work, stream of consciousness of a disenchanted and voluptuous splenetic Tuscan might be a reflection of its creator. Casa Balboa fifties cranky and obsessed with sex, finds that the calming walking his dog Otto who is, somehow, his double happy. It covers the Italian company of Berlusconi and Pope Benedict XVI, on the family, a look jaded and pessimistic. The novel, blossoming freely, developing in a certain anarchy, without pause, without chapter discusses the Italian cinema of the seventies, placing himself under the tutelage of Mario Monicelli ("Just think of flesh of my flesh, it makes me want to be a vegetarian "is the sentence in the book highlight from the movie Dear Friends ) or Ettore Scola (sometimes thought to effusions of the paterfamilias of libidinous Brutti, and sporchi cattiva i).

The next editions of The Last Drop are just as exciting with the announcement for October 7, 2010 of confabulation novel by Jakob Wassermann, German author best known in France for Kaspar Hauser or the laziness of the heart - a novel that personally, I wait with great impatience, and, by January 2011, the exciting prospect of discovering another novel by Gabriel Banez, The Virgin of Ensenada ...
Thank you to Chris Martinez, who through his article on the children disappear, sparked my desire to discover this beautiful novel and, hence, other works published by The Last Drop (PS: thank you for the Sham ...). Also thank you to Christopher Sedierta that drinking tea at Cafe Brant has taught us that talent, curiosity, passion and modesty can go together ... ___________________________________________________________________

Site Publishing Last Drop :
The website of Christopher Martinez, La Taverne du Doge Loredan :
Anne Gallet Isabelle Flaten , The Sham , 2008
Silvio Huonder, Adalina (translation of Dina and Nathalie Regnier Sikiric Eberhardt), 2009
Gabriel Banez, Children disappear (remarkable translation of Frederick Gross-Quelen), 2010
Mario Rocchi, Casa Balboa, a chronic disorder usually (again, very beautiful translation by Sylvie Huet), 2010


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