Thursday, July 22, 2010

Write Cover Letter Clothing Store

like that-* the ribs of his mother, his pancakes with scallion-

It does not support Parmesan, I flooded my spaghetti carbonara.
She holds the coconut in horror, I love ice cream, spiced with curry, in rock and sand. She is Valerie
Mréjen pretentious, I read a dozen times The citrus and I do not get tired of always helping the chocolate eclair that drags on, the slot machine barrel laundry or evening Labat street where he never came. When the Museum of the Jeu de Paume exhibition devoted to him, I had spent the afternoon and later I learned she loved The Mother and the Whore and Jeanne Dielman . It may not feel
Sophie Calle, I fall for his meals monochrome work on the breakup, the questionnaire ** she invented with Gregory Bouillier for Les Inrockuptibles. And also the time when she had followed a man in Venice.
She hates her hair and Louis Garrel doubtful at this moment I listen loop sing a loss (I especially love when he says Every minute is a vault / See how I control / See what I'm losing / blood and water ), I listen but in fact not hesitate and I re-viewed by micro-chips Regular Lovers . To clarify, I do not think this young man especially beautiful, I find it rather charming his small AC-side bot. Like when I crossed the street bike hurtling Maubeuge at full speed and sure, arrived at the crossroads, that young girls who were waiting to cross on the opposite sidewalk, had clearly recognized. The WA
she prefers is Manhattan and the voice of small mouse Marielle Hemingway, I like him too but not as much as Diane Keaton in Annie Hall too classy hat-tie order pastrami sandwiches at odd hours and passing his time to exclaim ladeeda with his accent that kills. The lobster scene shakes me the heart again after twenty viewings. Tales Of
four seasons, she prefers the fall and harvest, I prefer the summer, its ice and swimming.
Vincent Delerm her line of buttons, I listen at least once a day (sounds like a prescription!). And suddenly, I afflict you from the list *** of my ten favorite songs.
So sure, we do not always agree on everything with Mengwe but I would not say the room cheering when we find all three, with ° ° ° Loukoum . We sleep in no time, we sharing family secrets, we took photos, you can not stop laughing. And we eat well. In the case this time, full of great Chinese dishes that I wanted to find the taste at home. We feasted.

The ribs of his mother
For two people (I was hoping he left for my bento the next day but it was nothing and suddenly, I I prepared for this afternoon the first dish I learned to my dad, that his famous omelet with chives fourée rice and tomato)
-800g pork ribs (the butcher, too nice, one who works at Les Halles Casa Massimo had cut myself very beautiful, very meaty)
3CS-oyster sauce-3CS

-hoisin sauce 1 Tbs soy sauce
-1CS Chinese rice wine
- 2CS liquid honey
-ten slices of ginger
-3 stalks of spring onions cut in half and split into three

The day before, prepare the marinade by mixing the oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, soy sauce and alcohol rice. Toss through and let sit in the fridge overnight.
that day, out through the one hour before cooking. In a large dish, spread the ginger and scallion, then through ensuring that they are well covered with marinade.
Bake for two hours at 200 ° according Mengwe, I cooked almost three hours at lower thermostat and the meat was both crispy and a bit candied.
After this time, brush through with honey and cook for another ten minutes.
Really delicious with white rice, chilli and fresh cucumber slices well.

His scallion pancakes
For the picnic on Sunday, she had stuffed the pancakes with leftover painted throughout ... Unforgettable!
For 6 small pancakes
-100g flour
-12.5 cL-
boiling water a pinch of salt
DC-DC a touch of baking powder 1 tsp oil-

-4 chopped spring onions

Mix flour, yeast, salt and oil.
Pour the boiling water and stir to form a ball he must leave for at least an hour.
After this time, on a lightly floured surface, shape dough into a sausage.
Cut this roll into six equal pieces.
For each piece, reshape into a ball, lower it, spend a little oil with a brush (it also works with your finger, évidemmment), moderately salt, spread a big tablespoon scallion then wrap the dough round on itself and then snail before flattening.
Everything is explained very well in Mengwe (which is much more organized than me and pedagogue).
Cook patties in an oiled frying pan. A little warm is to die for.

* we do not kiss the questionnaire

** Sophie Calle Gregory Bouillier is reminiscent of the divine investigations sentimental Gwendoline.
1 - when you're already dead?
2 - what makes you get up in the morning?
3 - what happened to your childhood dreams?
4 - What makes you different from others?
5 - Will you miss anything?
6 - do you think everyone can be an artist?
7 - where are you from?
8 - do you think your good fortunes?
9 - what have you given up?
10 - what do you do with your money?
11 - What household chore you put off the most?
12 - what are your favorite pleasures?
13 - what would you like for your birthday?
14 - name three living artists you hate
15 - do you defend that?
16 - what are you able to refuse?
17 - what part of your body most vulnerable?
18 - what have you been able to do for love?
19 - you do we blame?
20 - what to serve the art?
21 - write your epitaph
22 - what form would you return?

*** you will be entitled to list all summer. For starters, I made simple: my ten favorite songs by Vincent Delerm (in random order, otherwise it's too hard).
Kiss Modiano
spider bites
The apartment (that one I really like him and I already know I will listen when we move in September) The
The veranda
Deauville without Trintignant
Kensington Square
All actors Terence BIOSes
Coach Milan

G. said "You do not put Chatenay-Malabry?" Bah
not. But I could.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

What Does It Mean When Cervix Is Soft And Low

Songs of Love

The party had already started a few days ago already.
the middle of the night, a little wind on the ramparts overlooking the beach and rocks, he said Pay attention to your dress when I tried to settle down in comfort and style on the stone railing. Further down, the waves repeated their big rollers. In the distance of ships thanked the tireless lighthouse. On our skin, the taste of salt because of swimming in the early afternoon. Few words were exchanged, the hair constantly brought back behind the ear to the wind, I think everyone was thinking about this day full of joy. Later in the car, I did not sleep and I stood amazed at the number of cars crossed so late. All these strangers who had lived another day, they felt the same fatigue intoxicating?
Thursday evening Salle Pleyel, an entirely different atmosphere. I had just left a young woman Incredibly, with whom vous creates an unexpected proximity. In a living room a bit outdated, we drank iced tea and she said summer, the better perhaps to go north. I tried to keep the council informed and sweet *.
Salle Pleyel, then, with my bag in a second pair of shoes in case of betrayal by the roses that I had to toe. It did not. Crowded into the great hall, large and square glasses, flowered cottons, soft pants, shirts sleeves rolled up. At the bar, they served little pots of sorbet (strawberry, vanilla, mocha), chocolate cake wrapped in towels red sandwiches, cream of artichoke and Parma ham, hot dogs and champagne. Outside, plenty of cigarettes hanging from lips talkative.
In the room, I knew that the later I was sitting next to someone who knew me.
On stage, a Steinway bright and Neil Hannon, nice suit adjusted distinguished accent and glass of wine. In 2001, early in medical school, I dragged a lot in the press booth at the hospital (great way to hide from other students) and I recall the coverage of Inrocks for the release of Regeneration , Neil Hannon in long hair and white T-shirt background of colored dots. I thought about it by seeing it, absolutely smart, magnetic and charming. I loved the enthusiasm of the public in early anticipatory notes Tonight we fly and I got chills during Songs of Love .
On the train the next morning which proceeded to Amsterdam, when I burned the edge of my cup of tea, I still had in mind images of this concert special, bright and cheerful.
The hotel was near the park, the tram ride from the station gave an overview of the city. Already the queue before the Van Gogh Museum fills me with sadness, all these people who then go buy tissue paper with sunflowers on it. Van Gogh would have thought this crowd came to trample his nights and his corn for the wrong reasons?
We have carefully avoided every day the center of the city, preferring his calm and quiet suburbs. I am not tired of beautiful facades and windows without curtains along the canals.
to withstand heat, three key allies:
-ice Yscuypje where my two favorite flavors I was not disappointed: lemon lime and coconut not very rough, deep flavor in both cases.
them lemonade very fresh: home made with lots of mint leaves to Singel 404 (thank you Emily!) or lemons from Sicily and Madagascar vanilla in a pretty bottle Gartin, sipped it that afternoon with a toast to salad of potatoes and bacon. For dessert, a white chocolate cheesecake with G. said I prefer yours!

-cooling of two great museums of the photo: Foam where I remained in turmoil before a photograph showing two young girls in a large room with eighteenth full of books (there Charlotte Gainsbourg was also dressed doll and Benjamin Biolay whose face was disappearing through the smoke of his cigarette) and Huis Marseille with a superb set of Japanese cherry trees in bloom and a comprehensive library on photography and exciting.
And then there was also an illusion to New York Bagel Village, a nice place with light wood furnishings, antique tiles on the walls, carrot cake on the counter and only young people who are aligned along the window with a bagel and a very cool magazine.

As memories, well packed in the suitcase, a teapot vintage green water he discovers to Latei On the good advice from a reader, a small vase fifties, yet another version of The Bell Jar and a small soap dish in the ground.
What I liked best, in Dutch these days, it was our evenings on the terrace of Festina Lente , often to drink Prosecco. The last night on a sofa and landed on the deck with a beautiful view over the canals, we shared ravioli with asparagus, a huge polpette and potatoes with rosemary. It was good.

Back then a bit brutal: many delays from Amsterdam, and after race at top speed in the corridors of the metro, its marches and treadmills, the discovery that the last train to Rennes just left platform number three. Argh. The National Society of French Railways, in his great goodness, we have relocated for the night in a hotel a bit sordid, but to comfort us, I called The Régalade whether one could still arrive on a Tuesday evening at 22:45. I was told Yes of course and it would be difficult to explain how this place set on a dull void any outside Paris is consoling and comforting. I love the benches and wooden tables, bread, the dish that whets the appetite, the madeleines who complete the meal, Bruno Doucet, who comes to say goodnight. Everything was delicious. *

in August, after the ritual and waited Southwest, there will be a plane to Stockholm!

Yscuypje Warmoesstraat 135 B
Singel 404 Singel 404
Gartin Taksteeg 7 BG
Foam Keizersgracht 609
Huis Marseille Keizersgracht 404
Village Bagel Woustraat 74 BG Van
Latei Zeedijk 143
Festina Lente Looiersgracht 40-B

Friday, July 2, 2010

Tawnee Stone What Happened With

Look here and here-dinner-Japanese Cinema

A ticket for C. who lives in Australia and for C. who is leaving to live, because they make you want to write.

It's super class but not for children
Christophe Honore, we know, is a nice boy. He raises Kim Wilde in a very Parisian film, modernizes Princess of Cleves, a good role to Louis Garrel, uses the image of Alex Beaupain songs and listen willingly disks Vincent Delerm, but there with his book all yellow false for very young (Vintage Nine to School Recreation ), he achieved the impossible: he gave me almost want to learn to drive. Indeed, on page 112 of his book I raise my doll at the end of chapter Reading for Dolls he wrote about her daughter Suzette: I can not wait to be at day when we can read both, as it leads to two on a long journey. This pleasure will be lower than the book as you park on the side, and let the wheel. Suzette and listen to the road again and continued the trip.
There I had a thought for G. that sometimes the journey without blinking Biarritz Rennes with me beside that merely changing the cd we listen, that passes water or cookies ... I also thought Fanny Ardant in Vivement Dimanche, it seems to me that she leads alongside Trintignant, right?
Returning to Christophe Honore and her dolls (essential reading for this summer, you've been warned), I'm sure you'll love the recipes of the four seasons of Chapter But the dolls are eating? It also meets all the crucial questions: what name to give her doll (Christophe suggests names subway station. Imagine, Picpus , Pernety , Charonne or Havre-Caumartin although the one I prefer is Filles du Calvaire), doll Should she walk, does it make her doll to sleep in his bed?
is charming and moving, especially when (attention revelation), I myself for about two years, a cloth doll's humbly called Topless . She has a trace of blue pen on the left leg and I had to ask my mother to sew up one of his eyes but otherwise she is super pretty with its nodes in hair and her little flowered dress. Doll's is polished and cultivated, she likes pizza, ice cream vanilla, cherry clafoutis and the first disc Vincent Delerm. When she grows up she wants to be filmmaker but as she will never grow ... She is glad that I never had dolls when I was little because that way, I'm not jaded.
As for Christophe Honoré, who forgives I have done anything in Not my daughter ... , I still wonder what I was doing other November 26, 2007.

The ride was good, it was in June *
One Sunday morning, she took pictures of the pink flowers that waved silently at the water's edge. At noon, it was a little galley to find a place to lunch and we ultimately failed to Dinard where I have drunk the whole world with my stories of "That's where Melvil Poupaud eating an ice 's Tale been ". Along the promenade of Moonlight, it was shameful matter of food. Like me, she loves noodles dehydrated, the Knack and the bread pudding industry. To tell you how far my bad taste, sometimes I carefully ripping a bread pudding and poke two half-knacks covered with a slice of mimolette before baking and then enjoy all the hot with ketchup. Yum. And
dried noodles ... Remembrance necessarily tied to breakfast with my grandparents. Grandma prepares a bowl of rice with dried meat and salted cucumber for Grandpa who himself prepares me my bowl of noodles with an egg inside. Too good. But who made the coffee milk Grandma?

Otherwise, Bulk:
-did you go see Mathieu Amalric Tour? What moves me most is the How come since I played ... (And this particular moment when he told Sylvia I do not defer to have met you )
we say that Florent Marchet talk of the town where I am so bored once in this song addictive
-next week I go three days in Amsterdam after two nights at the Festival Off Days in Paris (Salle Pleyel Divine Comedy, yay! Yes it's unbelievable, I can go see a concert without Vincent Delerm) addresses and Tips for the capital of the Netherlands?
-well, for Rennes, big change to Mizuna, one of Brittany's favorite restaurants Mengwe : lunch as before except now you can spend a little phone call (02 99 79 18 66) and order take-out (a bento or sushi or a bowl of rice covered with spicy raw tuna). It can also come to the snack (carrot cake thick and glossy, matcha white chocolate cake fresh and moist cheesecake ...) and stock up on sake, tea or wasabi. Service always nice. I'm past ten days ago to make a bento, super rich and delicious (this afternoon then: black sesame crusted salmon and the pork patties and leek).

For G. who could not enjoy this moment, I prepared a Japanese dinner pecking with Genmaïcha hot or chilled sake.
A simple meal and as pretty as possible with somen scented with cherry blossom soaked in a delicious sauce Miyako No Tsuyu (all purchased from Workshop Issé ** after a long conversation with the erudite salesman). There was also a salad of cucumber and radish seasoned with rice vinegar, soy sauce, mirin and sesame oil. I really wanted to do as a salmon tartar to gochujang (you know the Korean chili paste really strong to use sparingly): gochujang is mixed with sugar, plum vinegar (or rice wine or rice vinegar, but vinegar is light and subtle plum) and a little sesame oil and is coated many extra chunks of salmon costs of this preparation. A top with diced avocado, chives and black sesame.
Finally, because I know that G. loves it (unlike aves bream baked tomatoes and potatoes), fried chicken from (Tori no karaage)

Tori no karaage (a recipe of Sophie Brissaud )
For four
-4 thighs and chicken thighs and boneless skinless
-1 large ginger nuts
-1 large clove garlic
-soy sauce
2CS 2CS-sake-1CS
sesame oil
-50g of potato starch Earth-1CS
-frying oil (sigh)

Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces.
Grate the ginger and then squeeze in a small strainer to catch the juice.
In a bowl, mix the juice of ginger, crushed garlic, soy sauce, sake, sesame oil and some salt. Add chicken and stir to soak up the marinade. Let stand at least two hours.
When cooking, heat the oil. Pour the flour and cornstarch over chicken and toss to coat with batter.
When oil is hot, put in frying chicken, in small quantities, drain as you go. When all the chicken has been fried, put in refrire a minute to highlight the gilding. Too good!

* Original version or Reprise (just a bit truncated)
Workshop ** Isse 3 rue Tournon in Paris