Thursday, July 22, 2010

Write Cover Letter Clothing Store

like that-* the ribs of his mother, his pancakes with scallion-

It does not support Parmesan, I flooded my spaghetti carbonara.
She holds the coconut in horror, I love ice cream, spiced with curry, in rock and sand. She is Valerie
Mréjen pretentious, I read a dozen times The citrus and I do not get tired of always helping the chocolate eclair that drags on, the slot machine barrel laundry or evening Labat street where he never came. When the Museum of the Jeu de Paume exhibition devoted to him, I had spent the afternoon and later I learned she loved The Mother and the Whore and Jeanne Dielman . It may not feel
Sophie Calle, I fall for his meals monochrome work on the breakup, the questionnaire ** she invented with Gregory Bouillier for Les Inrockuptibles. And also the time when she had followed a man in Venice.
She hates her hair and Louis Garrel doubtful at this moment I listen loop sing a loss (I especially love when he says Every minute is a vault / See how I control / See what I'm losing / blood and water ), I listen but in fact not hesitate and I re-viewed by micro-chips Regular Lovers . To clarify, I do not think this young man especially beautiful, I find it rather charming his small AC-side bot. Like when I crossed the street bike hurtling Maubeuge at full speed and sure, arrived at the crossroads, that young girls who were waiting to cross on the opposite sidewalk, had clearly recognized. The WA
she prefers is Manhattan and the voice of small mouse Marielle Hemingway, I like him too but not as much as Diane Keaton in Annie Hall too classy hat-tie order pastrami sandwiches at odd hours and passing his time to exclaim ladeeda with his accent that kills. The lobster scene shakes me the heart again after twenty viewings. Tales Of
four seasons, she prefers the fall and harvest, I prefer the summer, its ice and swimming.
Vincent Delerm her line of buttons, I listen at least once a day (sounds like a prescription!). And suddenly, I afflict you from the list *** of my ten favorite songs.
So sure, we do not always agree on everything with Mengwe but I would not say the room cheering when we find all three, with ° ° ° Loukoum . We sleep in no time, we sharing family secrets, we took photos, you can not stop laughing. And we eat well. In the case this time, full of great Chinese dishes that I wanted to find the taste at home. We feasted.

The ribs of his mother
For two people (I was hoping he left for my bento the next day but it was nothing and suddenly, I I prepared for this afternoon the first dish I learned to my dad, that his famous omelet with chives fourée rice and tomato)
-800g pork ribs (the butcher, too nice, one who works at Les Halles Casa Massimo had cut myself very beautiful, very meaty)
3CS-oyster sauce-3CS

-hoisin sauce 1 Tbs soy sauce
-1CS Chinese rice wine
- 2CS liquid honey
-ten slices of ginger
-3 stalks of spring onions cut in half and split into three

The day before, prepare the marinade by mixing the oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, soy sauce and alcohol rice. Toss through and let sit in the fridge overnight.
that day, out through the one hour before cooking. In a large dish, spread the ginger and scallion, then through ensuring that they are well covered with marinade.
Bake for two hours at 200 ° according Mengwe, I cooked almost three hours at lower thermostat and the meat was both crispy and a bit candied.
After this time, brush through with honey and cook for another ten minutes.
Really delicious with white rice, chilli and fresh cucumber slices well.

His scallion pancakes
For the picnic on Sunday, she had stuffed the pancakes with leftover painted throughout ... Unforgettable!
For 6 small pancakes
-100g flour
-12.5 cL-
boiling water a pinch of salt
DC-DC a touch of baking powder 1 tsp oil-

-4 chopped spring onions

Mix flour, yeast, salt and oil.
Pour the boiling water and stir to form a ball he must leave for at least an hour.
After this time, on a lightly floured surface, shape dough into a sausage.
Cut this roll into six equal pieces.
For each piece, reshape into a ball, lower it, spend a little oil with a brush (it also works with your finger, évidemmment), moderately salt, spread a big tablespoon scallion then wrap the dough round on itself and then snail before flattening.
Everything is explained very well in Mengwe (which is much more organized than me and pedagogue).
Cook patties in an oiled frying pan. A little warm is to die for.

* we do not kiss the questionnaire

** Sophie Calle Gregory Bouillier is reminiscent of the divine investigations sentimental Gwendoline.
1 - when you're already dead?
2 - what makes you get up in the morning?
3 - what happened to your childhood dreams?
4 - What makes you different from others?
5 - Will you miss anything?
6 - do you think everyone can be an artist?
7 - where are you from?
8 - do you think your good fortunes?
9 - what have you given up?
10 - what do you do with your money?
11 - What household chore you put off the most?
12 - what are your favorite pleasures?
13 - what would you like for your birthday?
14 - name three living artists you hate
15 - do you defend that?
16 - what are you able to refuse?
17 - what part of your body most vulnerable?
18 - what have you been able to do for love?
19 - you do we blame?
20 - what to serve the art?
21 - write your epitaph
22 - what form would you return?

*** you will be entitled to list all summer. For starters, I made simple: my ten favorite songs by Vincent Delerm (in random order, otherwise it's too hard).
Kiss Modiano
spider bites
The apartment (that one I really like him and I already know I will listen when we move in September) The
The veranda
Deauville without Trintignant
Kensington Square
All actors Terence BIOSes
Coach Milan

G. said "You do not put Chatenay-Malabry?" Bah
not. But I could.


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