Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Custom Wheel Designer C

the afternoon and evening as with burgers-

For approximately one month, I organized my own Retrospective at home. Full Rohmer, selected pieces of Truffaut films, I was glad to have boxes stacked under the piano. I took the DVD question, I put them loose in a large paper bag and I dove hand blind. Contact cold, plastic covers and anonymous, but the surprise in time to reopen the eyes is delicious. I cheated once, no desire to revisit that time The wife of aviator .
Suddenly, a new thickness of memories now accompanies these films worshiped and had almost forgotten that the first time I had seen was Tale (with this scene or super Melvil Poupaud says he does not like groups), I was in sixth grade and the two friends who accompanied me because she thought the actor had not quite stopped snickering throughout the session -the film was too slow, it did not happen quite so much. I burst into tears when I got home with the impression of having been insulted (you see the kind of girl that I was already unbearable).
This time, the apartment's shutters half closed, leaning against a large cushion gray, without the trial of someone at my side but with a handful of strawberries, some chocolate or a millefeuille vanilla the day when I saw Claire's Knee , I was fine. I had forgotten that Dame Tartine, coffee at Beaubourg, plays a central role in Appointments of Paris and I was there just went with E. when we stayed at this hotel quite rotten in the Rue des Petits Champs. I forgot that love afternoon is a big deal to buy a turtleneck but I remembered that Delphine, the heroine of Green Ray, was a vegetarian and refuses politely side of pork in a scene that was much amused G. the winter evening we had seen together in the theater of a college of letters. Rohmer would he have liked these memories?
Across the Atlantic, there are those who certainly have not missed the New Wave if one believes that the camera moves a lot in Lenny and the kids (Go Get Some Rosemary) , a movie I saw as alone on a Wednesday afternoon when I decided I wanted to change his piano teacher (I'll tell you). Awaiting the start of the session, I nibbled an apple and I regretted not having brought a little water but the story quickly made me forget Lenny discomfort. In tiny movie theater, I felt that the half-dozen people sitting next to holding its breath to discover the history of the projectionist dad (do not blink when watching the reels!) who has a little trouble endorsing its role as dad, exactly. I liked the two children (who are entrusted with the mission to fetch the rosemary chicken they will never eat) and especially the girlfriend of Lenny and the game she invented with a box of cereal . If it still happens in your city, please!
Otherwise, this one I'm sure he goes not very far from home, do as we go and eat a kebab (yes, that thing with the meat that runs in the open air. We we like the one next to the SBT, and not only because the gentleman gives me always a Turkish delight because anyway, I n not like Turkish delight, except who also eat kebab! ) after a session Greenberg . Noah Baumbach worked with Wes Anderson, there is no chance. Ben Stiller, completely depressed and addicted to ice-cream sandwiches and whiskey is really touching and the character of Jennifer Jason Leigh made me want to be blonde and wear thick glasses.
And if you want more, let a chance to Days of Heaven (Days of Heaven) who had been unjustly unloved by the public to its release in 1978. As with all films of Terrence Malick, the light is amazing and the voice touches you immediately and you get a little sad. In Days of Heaven, follow the adventures of Bill, who will work in the wheat fields of Texas with her two sisters and their encounter with a wealthy farmer will transform their lives. This last character I was most moved, fragile, sensitive, the sincerity of his love is paying dearly. Last night my neighbor cried.
To prepare for the Malick film, we had dinner rustic and comforting, so I decided to prepare burgers home (I was a little obsessed with it since their tickets ) (here you say that I never work, watching all these movies and cooking, in fact yesterday I was off duty).
So obviously they are not recommended for a first date!
I just give you the recipe for bread, long identified with the values safe, he revolutionized the burger because I hate sweet buns arch of the supermarket (but I love burgers!). Yesterday evening, very simple recipe with chopped steak house well seasoned, the mimolette a molten red onion, a slice of pancetta well grilled, the salad, sliced tomato, mayonnaise of and ketchup. Yum. G. said "well I eat again a second."

How hamburgers buns?
For 12 buns that freeze well
-600g-180g flour T65

-milk 150g water

-1 egg-30g butter Soft
-25 g of fresh yeast
-1 teaspoon salt -1 tablespoon sugar

-sesame (or poppy or sunflower seeds ...)

must ensure that the egg, Water and milk are at room temperature.
Pour half the flour in a bowl with sugar and salt.
Make a well and add liquid egg and crumbled yeast.
Mix (by hand, as in the rest of the recipe) and when the dough becomes smooth, add the remaining flour.
Knead until a ball of soft, smooth, elastic detaches from the wall of the bowl. Let stand
1:30 under a damp cloth in a oiled bowl.
After this time, pour the dough on a floured surface, gently crush it then divide it into twelve pieces. Form balls and let rest under a towel for ten minutes.
Prepare a plate with the seeds of your choice and another with paper towel folded into quarters and wet. Contacting the top of the dough balls with paper towel and then with the seeds, they adhere to. Place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and let rise one hour.
Cook ten minutes in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. Thanks Sandra


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