Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Bottom Of My Heel Is Numb

Life in brief, 7 and 8 by Viviana Salome and Thierry V.

Democratic Republic of France

Notice to the public

Aprèsdes years of struggle and with the support of each of you, our wholesome ForcesIntérieures just won a decisive victory :

Desire, that scourge of humanity, died tonight .

The Hommenouveau, freed of its impulses, is void.
Lacopulation, a relic of primitive times, is now banned.
Unepeine of flogging as provided by law and punish offenders.
theRepublic Democratic France can now join the puissanteConfédération Free Worlds.

Done Apara, May 4, 2031
Leport government spokesman

(LFL : Viviana Salome)

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the occasion of a interview, Francisco Poncherello laquestion answered, "How would you finish? "With a terse" In catalogued'exposition.
From the past of the artist, we know that few things: a enfanceennuyeuse Basel, surrounded by a father and a navvy mèremaniaco-depressive, before his flight to 17 years for New York, where he auraittravaillé street juggler as a cook in a restaurant or Puerto Rico. Ilrejoint in 1992 the School of Visual Arts, where his first exhibition estremarquée. For Copulation, the artist took a picture of dozen followers detraders of sadomasochism, having them pose in front of their screens THE WORKING, ball gag in his mouth.
Back in Europe in 2002, connects the expositionscontroversées Poncherello in many countries, including that of 2012 in France: Population0. he dissolves during the last floor of the Centre Pompidou enpaysage post-apocalyptic world, where actors, disguised as Michel Drucker etMireille Mathieu, growled and wandered among the many parts del'artiste only consist of detritus painted in the colors of drapeaufrançais.
If the artist has passed away last June 23 after 55 years uneexistence stirred, it is only the occasion of his posthumous exhibition nousapprenons officially dead. His lawyers have blocked all tentativesd'annonces so that his assistants are doing Poncherello dernièresvolontés. October 31, begins his final exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo: Toutesmes guts. According to very precise instructions to the artist, his corpsdémembré and recomposed in various works is exposed. For example Flagellation: sliced his heart is put into a plexiglass cube, bathed in red sequins, while at his side, a folk singer connects acoustic covers of CatStevens. The rest is just as wisely Poncherello dansl'exposition disseminated. Note that the last room offers a series of works "àemporter, soberly titled Kebab . The remains of the artist in several sontprésentés pitas the most beautiful effect, simply surrounded dequelques fries convincing. We wish to clarify to what collectors chips, made in a synthetic resin, are not edible.

Thierry V.


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