Beetle is a medical student. She sends me texts that I publish on my site professional Winckler's Webzine .
Here is the beginning of the last one. MW
Trainspotting "Choose life. Let yourself be terrorized on your outlook, a sweeping look at the proposals career options to you, unemployment inevitably at the end, dead ends, the newspaper without passion, the Excel spreadsheet to life, the duty subordination. Suffers for guys who do not look at you, spend your Saturday head in the bowl to ask if it's you or if other, get yourself out, funds now in the mass. Roll your firecracker under the mattress of the chemistry lab, while your neighbor slips a pair of scissors in a plug for blown fuses. Most of those who are silent do not experience much, those who talk too much, especially their emotions, conspecifics tired. Persevere with alcohol, it is a matter of practice. Your valve is Saturday evening, and not before, although it catch up in the skull. Cheating on your age to get in box. You do a lot more than your 13 years. Put yourself drunk. This morning, your guy told you it was called the "pedophile". Listen
metal shutters at the bottom, your room lit by 118 candles with wax dripping onto the shelves. Make your mother cry. Be wise. Spit your rage. Bump your tray. If you have no control over your emotions, your need to defer control over the food. Lose 6 kilos in 6 months. The resume in a week. Cleans the bowl well before leaving. Sport is for the idiots brainless. Sport is the escape from suffering. Discipline your body being unable to close your mouth on command. I hate my period. Yet a control which I would like to get rid of. Anyway I never wanted to be a girl is too cumbersome. Choose
death. Read and reread Camus. Beat a retreat to your room soon after dinner to burn your unhappiness teenager on the front of your left forearm. Back up your sleeves for weeks. (...) "
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