Sunday, December 12, 2010

Vespa Sidecart Singapore

Catch: Debut Novels by Marcel copper (Ex. No. 15 )

1 / Lorsqu'ildécida to join his country, it was primarily to evade connarddes cities, much more consistent and less natural in its stupidity that leconnard fields. To be honest, he could not stand the educated. Ceuxqui know and have as their principal activity you do knowledge. In fact, no reason, no sense no longer held him in Paris. Tired of Pigalle, no wheat or turf, and Tricard jaded, he tried to draw a line thirty ansde bummer. Poissard because he was. All the dolls that he had placed on letrottoir or in bed he had not reported qu'ennuis and headache. Ilave wanted to be a boss, he was a salted. And migraine. DeMontmartre bars, he had drank several thirst, the beds were smashed in Deschambres tattles ended up doing disband and pluiepoisseuse as it does is that it soaks up Paris brains. Rienda serious. Just his personal stock, dreams were no longer cotésdepuis some time.
The slow train is hanging out. Lepaysage had quickly tired. He had plunged into a book of crosswords. Two horizontal : skyscrapers. Lechauffeur had just put a big swerve to avoid a cat not mêmenoir. Three horizontal : Bag defarine. In seven letters. With luck he did not, there would bienun controller. Bah he flog a subway ticket. Here they feraientpas difference. Quatrehorizontal: May be of different sexes but did not see. Sometimes he wondered where they went to get it all. He had never finished a puen. It was only baltringue. Maybe, but they would see would see cequ'ils farmers.

2 / In my village, as qu'ilm'en remember, we naquîmes time of self-righteous and I can not direcomment we passed the time dupolitiquement correct. Of course, we continued to rein in the minds chagrins.Ceux as well cataloged pensance rebels became cheesy, outdated. Obsolescence and ontdes antiquated charm that ignores busy. We wanted to separate us from our chains, they took the opportunity to attack our roots, to be painted couleursnauséabondes to discredit them. And us.
Our fathers made us brothers MomEd common to twelve years apart and we never nepartageâmes ills of childhood or adolescent arrogance. Nousfûmes soon as old enough to understand the lack of meaning in this world, we débarrassâmesdes slag family that often make pathetic entrefrères relations. Dull but smooth we find ourselves at long, our lives do not seem affected, nor informed s'entrouver outrageously. We drowned a few illusions depuislongtemps lost in our common love of the grape juice. If motsavaient kept some sense, I would write each suffisammentl'autre respected for not wanting different. It must be said that there was nullevaleur added daily in our sky: we live alone.
By sespoches I found a movie ticket and a picture of skyscrapers. ATable on the kitchen, a pat of butter, a quart of milk and a bag on the floor farineouvert a book by Jacques Salome 'Man and wife, all without seeing. " They broke her head on the stone del'évier. The political police, was signed.

3 / She loves her apartment. It does not luidéplait living alone in its twenty fourth floor. She often goes into collecting cinoche.Elle same tickets. She enjoys cooking, especially lapâtisserie. She's always in reserve and three packets of flour as Sucre. Tonight she made an apple pie Jacques Prevert. Patrick Cellequ'aimait so he ended up eating it without seeing it, his pastry. It must be said also sometimes forgot petitdéjeunait when facing him. Draw; completely zero. He had séparésur this score. No it is not being alone is another who works chose.Elle not corrected copies. Ellel and knows too well the story: Do not drag descopies uncorrected. Nothing is more dangerous. They seem to sleep but n'hésiterontpas future arise in the hollow of the pillow. Black ink on white night. Lacopie uncorrected does not whining, but it insinuates itself between the sheets. Elleronronne the rhythm of the ticking of the clock. A Once it is awakened troptard.Mais it gets worse: the copy half corrected, the most vicious. Ellene not allow a clear statement of what is left to suffer, nor the tempsinhérent this presence that is not yet a pain (you're young) but will become the last fifty. This one is sacrificed; morbidity should take care of it early. It is the reality of your cowardice, you would be correct, for his sake and yours, you know, but vousavez gave up in the middle, and it will start all over again. The corrected copienon never disappears. It is here faitvivre the herd instinct in groups, because the uncorrected copy can not stand the loneliness. Etcelle top who are looking at, is not the worst, others, those on the bottom, still hidden, what they reserve? Lepire sure. Corrigéeest not copying as it treats arthritis tirelessly ink mercurochromesans that it never disappears. And because it's your body laréclame, body or certified associate, whatever, it generates lacopie. She knows: You can make you a blood red ink : Tuseras always alone with your copies!


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