Saturday, December 4, 2010

Too Much Wine Cause Heart Palpitation?

Life in brief, 5 and 6 and BF Zelapin (Ex. No. 16)

proposals fall like obituaries Gravelotte. Then I published two by two ...
Thank you all
Mar (c) tin


etorphelines Widows?

MarcelMélot alas no longer. Alas, never again do we find him
its women, prodigal, he brought in the time of copulation,
Auxplaisirs ineffable, tirelessly, without design population.
We shall see, never Also, we hardcore fans,
knew it bluntly transported easily even to the seventh heaven.
Concoctonsun tribute, my sisters, the man who made us so beautiful
Qued'autres vibrated the urgent desire to exercise their lust,
Dejou shamelessly our libidos heightened by her exquisite fervor
Toutimpatients impose many whims tinted obscene arrogance
Infligeantflagellations and other vile treatment, but their ardor,
Loind'égaler that of Marcel, our bodies abandoned in frustration,
Saddened, diminished by these deplorable uses, lack of affection,
DeCeTe affection Marcel distributed to all with equal passion.
sommesaffligées We certainly ... strongly that we are delivering!


------------------------------- ---------------

Ils'en went ...

Estall The result, surprising us all time and has failed to show her that everyone larancune he was held.

He left and took off his rirechevalin his inimitable pronunciation in which words such as population, flogging sounded like copulation and fellatio.
Off aussil'éclat carmine his face after a meal and chin glistening with grease, Sneeze, characteristics that met luiavaient the nickname Spitfire for the dragon of self.

Away now in the corridors this parfumcomplexe, blending the fragrances unexpectedly sophisticated hauteparfumerie the most trivial ones and sportswear forgotten in the bag.

How many months before the personnelféminin shivering stops in front of the elevator, no longer having to worry about having to "slam it in two"?

All our happiness, will we keep enmémoire cohesion he has built against him?

Do not forget. It is through our moqueriesqu'il remain present.



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