Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Alton Brown Cocoa Brownies

"I remember" - by Adrienne

In brown lescitations Perec, ennoir, my variation on its themes.

2I remember when I was seven or eight years my aunt had a Mercedesdécapotable blue and I was surprised that we want to give argentpour a car that had only two seats.

4 Jerne remember in 1990 we took our Romanian friends see auHeysel celebrations on the occasion of 60 years (and 40 years of reign) of King Baudouin etqu'il weather was beautiful.

42 Jerne remember that in 1968 I confused the "Iron Curtain" with the "Iron Gate", which was on the other side of town oùj'habitais, so I expected to see Russian tanks going to Labouchere's uncle Marcel, the following Saturday.

54 I remember that Voltaire was an anagram of Arouet L (e) J (eune) By writing V instead of U and I instead of J.

87 J e mesouviens that my father once said that he had in his childhood latoute first edition of Tintin in the Land of the Soviets but qu'ill'avait loaned to a friend who did it had ever made.

95 Jerne remember that in American movies of my childhood, everyone parlaitle French, cowboys like the Indians, and that I am astonished me what day when I Having doubled in a western German.

101 Jerne remember the tennis matches that were present at the sea with my onclequi was all excited at the idea of meeting Jackie Brichant.

105 I remember "Baby Cadum.

101 Jerne remember that my father had a cousin who had splendidesmoustaches Paul.

112 I remember that Colette was as a Fellow of the Belgian Royal.

123 I remember the violinist Ginette Neveu estmorte in the same plane as Marcel Cerdan.

125 Jerne remember that I wondered what was that this stain on the front deGorbatchev.

138 Jerne remember that we saw pass a Tour stage, while vacationing inFrance, and people shouted "Go Eddie" as hysteria.

145 Jerne remember that I saw Bathing Beauty Esther Williams with and that I asked myself how she could stay so long without breathing sousl'eau.

152 I remember that Warren Beatty is the small frèrede Shirley McLaine.

161 Jerne remember my grandfather never missed any film with Mireille Darc because he was sure
sooner or later she was walking naked.

167 Jerne remember we sang "Only You" with the Platters and "Gigil'Amoroso" with Dalida.

177 Jerne remember that our teachers we spoke at least once a year of Sputnik even when there was not born when it was launched.

187 Jerne remember at 18 or 19 years my brother was such a fan of Patrick Dewaerequ'il had to have been perm curls and push it even s'étaitlaissé kind of mustache.

196 I remember Marina Vlady is the sister of Odile Versois.

210 I remember Fausto Coppi had a friend who was called the "White Lady"

211 Jerne remember I was twelve years old when I discovered Nutella in uneamie. We were great in pots kw, less expensive, but sansnoisettes.

230 Jerne remember my father telling at the end of the war, allemandeavait a bullet shattered the window of the family millinery.

242 Jerne remember he told me that in May 1940, when the whole familleétait poised to go into exile, his father suddenly changed aviset decided to stay: my father was very disappointed, he had his bag audos with the sausage for a picnic.

259 I remember that Charles de Gaulle étépour me a street name before that of a politician.

265 I remember Lee Harvey Oswald.

282 Jerne remember that Maurice Chevalier sang, rolling the R and I necomprenais why, given that Fleming was not.

291 Jerne remember when he was little , my brother loved filmsde Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin , and even those with Chariot.

301 Jerne remember playing Sidney Bechet Petite Fleur .

313 I remember Bourvil.
I remember a skit in which Bourvil ilrépétait several times at the conclusion of each paragraph sapseudo-conference: "Alcohol, no, ferruginous water, yes!"

329 Jerne remember in The Household Carolina (Michel de Ghelderode) jejouais the role of Columbine, but my parents did not even come see me dérangéspour.

346 Jerne remember that Provence had told my father that the best pastisétait Casanis, so for him it was "a Casanis or nothing."

363 Jerne remember the movie Kubrick, A Clockwork Orange , which caused me descauchemars for many years.

364 Jerne remember my joy when a friend of my mother gave me any sacollection de la Comtesse de Segur.

Jerne remember 382 paintings by Emile Claus who had been exposed to Ostend.

416 Jerne remember that the best friends of my parents had a "Peugeot" and I wondered where it was going to end because chaquenouvel purchase only increased the number: 304, 404, 504 ... but then they are passésà Mazda.

451 Jerne remember Orson Welles when he said "Rosebud ..." in the film CitizenKane.

469 I remember when she sang Brigitte Bardot Sidonie aplus a lover, But I do not fear anyone on a Harley-Davidson or Lafin summer

Ala request of the author, the publisher has left as a result of this work quelquespages white on which the reader may note the "I mesouviens" that reading them will, hopefully, inspired.


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