Monday, February 21, 2011

Tips On How To Be A Successful Bulimic

Adrift ... Tabish Khair

Last winter, Sieur Alain Giorgetti launched the project a bit mad with an online magazine, A drift , offering a patchwork crew and enthusiastic to take with him leaving for a trip ... amazing literary Number 1, Building beautiful monsters , has been online since last month; drift proposed docking port for a text excerpt from Gay Science :
At the seaside - I do would build no house (even my happiness requires that I do not have) But if I had to do, I would like as some Romans, the build up in the sea, I am pleased to share some secrets with this beautiful monster. ( Nietzsche, The Gay Science / § 240 / Trad. Alexander Vialatte)
Many contributors have agreed to take part. Alain Giorgetti brought together so many contributions, and the result is a measure of expectations. A magnificent work of Captain (O Captain!)

Gustave Dore Leviathan .


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