Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Happend If U Take No Medicin For Herpes

A: Deuxans Montreal

Two years ago, in February 2009, I arrived àMontréal.
When I look back now, I feel a sentimentmêlé amazement and obvious.
I dreamed of living in North America since quej'y had spent a year as a teenager. I love Montreal since lapremière time I had set foot for the first time in 1999, thanks Sachs Disease and multiple invitations to permit quim'avaient back almost every year.

When I arrived, I was very happy, but those quim'ont hosted here (friends, colleagues CREUM) told me to plusieursreprises: "You will perhaps be disappointed. "

It's been two years since I live here and I'm pasdéçu at all. I feel at home in this city in this country.

Moreover, I live in Montreal released biendes respects. My researcher status, even if modest and temporary, has opened many doors and opportunities. In two years I puassurer two charges of course - one (fall 2009) Clinical Ethics, the other (in the winter semester 2011) of literary creation. I wrote deuxromans ( The Choir Women , published by POL in 2009; LesInvisibles, to appear in Black River in May 2011). I publiéplusieurs dozens of articles and columns, including half a dozen enlangue English. I lead a writing workshop currently "Ethics etFiction" and it told me the other two, one at the festival "Metropolis Blue" in Montreal (end April 2011), the other the letters Facultéde Tours (end of March 2011). I attended a dozen colloquesen as contributor and made a couple of conferences (Three ouquatre Skype!). I assure three columns: one monthly medical on the site, the second and cultural monthly lesjournaux in the group "Centre France" (in the Sunday edition, faceà page "Books ;), the third medical and bi-monthly consumer magazine in the Quebec health "Protect yourself".

I can not write regularly for "Rover Arts, the Montreal Blog Anglophone cultural. I have postétrois articles on television last year and since then nothing. It reflects my sansdoute relative disinterest critical for the series. I continue to watch (I like it, I like reading and going to the movies), but I do not have much to say. In any case, not at this time.

Paradoxically, I feel at least as "busy" as I was in France, but much less tired. Laplupart of my activities take place in Montreal (Well, I'm going to next lasemaine Chicoutimi and Sherbrooke in March, but it's still timely). I passebeaucoup time on the bus and metro (40 minute journey between domicileet office) but I read a lot more than before (the TGV from Paris The Manset, I fell asleep ...).

I read a lot more. Toujoursbeaucoup write. I feel I think more. Librement.Plus more clearly.

Beginnings is a great break with nombred'habitudes, objects, people, behaviors. This is not nécessairements'isoler bent. It is, put some counters. And if things pourcertaines is scary and difficult for others it unebénédiction.

Two: Resolutions for 2011

It's never too late to take bonnesrésolutions for the year, so here's mine:

- Finish the novel I'm trying to write depuissix months.
- Stop check my email boxes tousle quarters of an hour
- Finish the book on family medicine
- Write three articles in English even if c'estdifficile
- Finish the written version of the conference Surla sexuality of medical students that I gave a fortnight ago
- (and published)
- Read a novel and short stories in English (I nelis as books of humanities at the moment)
- Collect all items of this blog for a book that enfaire be entitled "My life at the keyboard" (premièrepensée) or "Occupation: Writer" or something else (suggestionsbienvenues)
- Spend less time watching the series (maisj'ai nice to have greatly reduced my consumption, I can not descendresous biweekly) and more time to do or see movies with my boys (but there are so many !)
- Enter the big book on ethics in medical lesséries I dream for a long time (but I would first have to catch up with House, MD and I buy lessaisons of ER ... And I miss that I review everything.)
- Make a little more exercise - but it takes dutemps Reading and writing and, frankly, outside of walking (I do every day) and swimming (cold and there's no piscinetout close) ... Well, PJ has just given me a bike for my birthday, but have to wait ilva March or April to get back.
- Write more regularly (once a week) on this blog. Plus, it does not seem really desirable: it may cast off time for other activities and in any case all leslecteurs nurse of this blog would be unable to follow, moreover pluspersonne not send me texts for exercises.
- When I am permanent resident of Quebec, apply for a grant writing assistance of the Canada Council. I less ashamed to be here when I lived in France, where I always found it improper to ask for public assistance or residence as a writer when I was already earning a good living. I felt that I was taking the place of someone else who had more need than me. Here I do not have that feeling. Probably because here I do not feel privileged. But just a writer among many others.
- Establish a program of work more régulierchaque day. Genre: reply to correspondence between sunrise and departure theoffice; read on the bus and the subway (it already); h30et write between 10 noon (between noon and one, the members of CREUM lunch together, and we parfoisl'un of this work and it asks between bites of salad desandwich or tofu), written between 13.30 and 18.30; read lemétro and the bus to return; work between 20.30 and 23.00; solve lesproblèmes intellectuals of the day in a dream during the night.
Yes, it would be a dream.
Should I just check the rest in this beauprogramme. The remaining material that's life ...

Go. There are more than.

Mar (c) tin


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