Monday, February 28, 2011

Harold And Kumar Bottomless Party Scene Clip

Debut novels (catching) - by Adrienne

Debut novels (Exercise # 15) - Adrienne
it comes to writing lepremier paragraph (about three hundred signs and spaces) of a novel yintégrant the following:

- a skyscraper
a cat - a packet of flour
- a subway ticket or a ticket for cinema
- a man and a woman (their characteristics are free) that will be croisentsans

Exercise must be repeated three times.

- opting every time for a perspective different narrative: first person, second person or third person singular
- by choosing each time a genus recognizable romanréaliste novel by science-fiction thriller, satirical novel, romand'horreur, etc..

the side of my house
Longtempsje went to bed early. Sometimes, no sooner had I closed rideauxsur the skyscrapers of the city and gave one last caress my cat, my eyes would close so quickly that I had just enough time to tell me: "Tomorrow, it I'll have to buy me a kilo of flour, there is no demadeleines .... " And half an hour later the thought that it was time melever and take the subway would awaken me and I had not stopped in dormantde make reflections on what I had seen that day, cesréflexions but had run into a bit special and it seemed quej'étais myself that man or woman that I saw every day on the platform, reading the same newspaper with the same pace, and yet had encorejamais had a look for each other.

the stairs
Yes, celapourrait start well here, so, in a way a bit heavy and slow in this neutral place that belongs to everyone and anyone , where the man and woman secroisent without seeing where life of the skyscraper has an impact, remote etrégulière. Of what goes on behind the heavy doors of the apartments, onne perceives most often echoes that exploded, a cat meows, a flour paquetde tearing, we open a bin to throw an old subway ticketde found at bottom of a pocket when we are looking for a handkerchief.

Letter 1
You see, Mabon friend, it's not just the socks and pompoms and since that left your tuas convent to the city and its skyscrapers, you need dequelques sub in your crosshairs, not for the quest, but t'acheterun cinema ticket! You have your harp, your artwork, your books, as aucouvent, but you also have a cat! You have your room, your office, a jolisecrétaire and sometimes you can put the Office the hands-free MèrePerpétue that is there to scold you when you dropped a package defarine.
My chèrebonne, we told you so often that a girl should remain in the convent jusqu'àce she should marry, you can deduce that this lady who came voirta mother, and this elegant whiskered gentleman who cross it was niunie new maid, or the cobbler! Agree that you voilàprévenue!


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